
lipiec 2024

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Finished ICCF event: 70th ICCF Jubilee World Elite section C

The 70th ICCF Jubilee World Elite section C has come to an end.

The section started 15.03.2021 and finished on 18.07.2022.

The tournament was held in a sporty atmosphere, though one player were withdrawn from the tournament shortly after the tournament started – Ivan Panitevsky (23.06.2021 – accepted withdrawal due to serious illness). Unfortunately, this very rare situation seriously disrupted the tournament’s results.

The best solution was to replace player, but it was technically not possible.

The games were not allowed to go to the adjudication because neither was finished and the average number of moves was below 26. The games were therefore cancelled.

However, under the ICCF Rules, his opponents were given a full point to the final score. This additional point, although it counts towards the final result, does not count towards the rating or the norms for titles.

This year, Dennis M. Doren, Rules Commissioner, submitted congress proposal “2022-033A Recording Cancelled Games in Silli Events” to list a draw on the crosstable instead of the currently listed win for each relevant opponent, as the more typical game outcome is a draw. It will come into effect from the next year, if most delegates support it.

You can see the completed cross table at:

The tournament table below shows the results with additional tie-breaking, so it is more precise.

The fight for the victory was very fierce (no win, but the opponents of the withdrawn player got a full point to the final score) and the tie-break was decisive for the places.

Winner is Daniel M. Fleetwood.


More details in the report.

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