
wrzesień 2024

Licznik odwiedzin

Dobiegła końca edycja 9 szkolnego turnieju szachowego pomiędzy 8 szkołami z Grecji, Niemiec, Filipin oraz Polski


Finished ICCF event:

9. School friendly event

The 9th edition of School friendly event was played on the ICCF server from 20.10.2022 to 31.05.2023 at 4 boards (teacher+3 students under 19). Nine schools from 4 countries Greece, Germany, Philippines and Poland participated in the tournament. See more in previous post.

Unfortunately, there were many games lost on time, which proves the wrong management of time. This element of the game definitely needs to be improved.

After the end date (31.05.2023), 6 games were adjudicated. The selection of an adjudicator, the forwarding all relevant information to the adjudicator, and the recording of the adjudication result on the appropriate crosstable are all handled through the automated system. The system automatically records the game result of a draw if both players’ claims were for a draw, rather than send the game to an adjudicator for assessment. The process took some time and the adjudication of the last game ended on 28.07.2023.

Congratulations to the winner who is Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 (Primary School No. 1) (Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland), ahead of Nikkei Jin Kai (Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines) and Zespół Szkół Technicznych (The Technical School Complex) (Ustroń, Poland).

It is worth mentioning that this is the fourth victory of the school from Tomaszów Lubelski in the school tournament. Amazing achievement!

Final results can be found in the crosstable.

It was interesting experience for both teachers and children.

Next 10th edition is expected after summer holidays, in the period of October 2023 – May 2024.

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