70th ICCF Jubilee World Cup final launched – some statistics

Preliminaries started on 15.02.2021 in 10 sections (61 players each, in total 610 entries). Some unfinished games after the end date (15.08.2022) were adjudicated (including one appeal).

The first 10 players of each preliminary section qualified for the final. In case of double qualification, the best runner-up from all sections was qualified instead.

All previous World Correspondence Chess Champions and the holders of ICCF GM title with at least 5 Grandmaster norms could enter (free of charge) directly to the final stage. This is how 4 grandmasters joined.

Special invitation was addressed to winners of the ICCF Golden Jubilee Final tournaments (“ICCF 50 Jubilee Email Final” and “ICCF 50 Jubilee Postal Final“) and the Diamond Jubilee World Cup 18 (webserver) and the Diamond Jubilee World Cup 19 (postal) in order to bridge 50th and 60th and 70th Anniversaries of the ICCF. These players could enter (free of charge) directly to the final stage. This is how 1 player joined.

The World Cup final participants

Registration for the final has been closed on 15.10.2022. The list of participants presented in the previous post is final – 92 players in total. See it below again (order by country and then by last name).

# ICCF ID Country Title Name
1 71079 BRA GM Badolati, Sérgio
2 70821 BRA CCM Nezuka, Eisque
3 90567 CAN CCE Brault, Stephan
4 90705 CAN CCM Maltais, Christian
5 750034 CFB CCM Matsukevich, Vladimir Vladimirovich
6 149253 CFR IM Ilyin, Pavel Egorovich
7 140234 CFR CCE Khorunzhy, Mikhail Filippovich
8 141447 CFR SIM Morozov, Dmitry Viktorovich
9 141712 CFR CCM Nechaev, Aleksey Nikolaevich
10 141947 CFR Orekhov, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
11 141107 CFR CCM Popov, Vladimir Valentinovich
12 142676 CFR CCM Pundak, Maksim Bogdanovich
13 141895 CFR IM Rudenko, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
14 143030 CFR CCM Timofeev, Aleksandr Viktorovich
15 143210 CFR CCM Tomilin, Artjom Valerievich
16 141944 CFR IM Tyulenko, Yuri Viktorovich
17 900218 CRO CCM Tomaša, Ivica
18 690001 CUB CCM Rangel García, Raúl
19 730015 CYP CCM Nikolaev, Denis
20 131239 CZE IM Cvak, Rudolf
21 130999 CZE GM Straka, Zdeněk
22 151014 DEN CCM Hansen, Jan
23 213011 ENG CCM Bailey, Matthew W.
24 211994 ENG CCE Hollands, George
25 212535 ENG CCM Marks, Robert
26 210324 ENG SIM Mukherjee, Ajoy K.
27 210854 ENG IM Thompson, Brian
28 169137 ESP CCM De Andrés Senra, Sergio I.
29 160577 ESP CCM Quevedo García, Vicente
30 461056 FIN CCM Suihko, Kalervo
31 189129 FRA CCM Speisser, Patrick
32 83252 GER IM Arounopoulos, Stephan
33 85928 GER CCM Bars, Joachim
34 84982 GER IM Doderer, Harald
35 85569 GER CCM Engelhard, Christof
36 86142 GER Ensenbach, Marc
37 87108 GER CCE Franck, Torsten
38 81666 GER IM Fritsche, Frank
39 86900 GER CCM Frömbgen, Andreas
40 81692 GER CCM Glotz, Dietmar
41 87043 GER Hinrichs, Heinz
42 86153 GER CCM Höxter, Heinrich
43 82915 GER CCM Kermer, Wolf Dieter
44 87061 GER CCM Klemmer, Marcel
45 85922 GER IM Kloster, Josef
46 86273 GER CCM Köstner, Wolfgang
47 85849 GER SIM Kraft, Dieter
48 86009 GER Lüthi, Thomas
49 89236 GER CCM Papenfuß, Ingo
50 480232 GER GM Pirš, Matjaž
51 83088 GER CCM Pommrich, Rainer
52 82299 GER SIM Schwetlick, Thomas
53 89356 GER IM Ulbig, Stefan
54 89488 GER CCM Wedel, Lutz
55 85785 GER CCE Wimmer, Ralph G.
56 241645 ITA CCM Caruso, Augusto
57 242203 ITA D’Agostino, Gabriele
58 910274 LAT IM Mende, Ingus
59 920446 LTU CCM Viskontas, Juozas
60 920078 LTU IM Voveris, Gediminas
61 570023 LUX SIM Klauner, Thed
62 340384 MEX CCM Sauceda Salazar, Eduardo
63 371295 NED CCM Fluit, Johnny
64 370353 NED CCE Galjé, Hans
65 360341 NOR GM Haugen, Arild
66 360333 NOR IM Johansen, Anders Sten
67 380073 NZL GM Noble, Mark F.
68 896098 PHI CCM Ramos, Francis A.
69 517765 PHI CCE Simplina, Arthur
70 420628 POL CCM Frączek, Dariusz
71 420832 POL SIM Krzyżanowski, Wojciech
72 421260 POL SIM Kubicki, Tadeusz
73 429151 POL IM Szerlak, Andrzej
74 421428 POL IM Szymański, Robert
75 429131 POL CCE Turczyński, Marian
76 390072 POR CCM Azevedo, José Manuel P.
77 440549 ROU SIM Matei, Cornel
78 440827 ROU IM Ploscaru, Stelian
79 440735 ROU IM Ristea, Tudor
80 440550 ROU GM Voiculescu, Costel
81 549075 SRB CCE Jovanović, Milan P.
82 180321 SUI Galerne, René
83 85521 SUI CCM Milde, Lars
84 950294 SVK CCM Krakovský, Peter
85 451400 SWE CCM Block, Benjamin
86 451195 SWE CCM Bredenhof, Bo
87 940872 UKR CCM Moskalenko, Eduard
88 516552 USA CCM Burmeister, Ferdinand
89 511990 USA Jones, Jan
90 516628 USA IM Marbourg, Denny
91 514948 USA CCM Relyea, Alexander
92 517672 USA CCM Stewart, Douglas


Start date

The final was launched on 29.10.2022 with official start date on 15.11.2022; end date 15.01.2025. It is directed by IA Piotr Fałatowicz (POL). The event is rated with title norms.

Rate of play

In the final, the same as in the preliminaries, an incremental rate of play applies (initial time 30 days per game, plus 3 days every 1 move, reflection time duplication after 20 days; 45 days leave per year, no special leave). Linear conditionals can be entered. The public can see the games live after 10 games are finished in the event; live transmission delayed by 5 moves.

Additional tie-breaking procedure

If a tie persists after the standard tie-breaking procedures (Silli event: Buchholz cut 2, then Buchholz cut 1, then Buchholz, then Buchholz 2nd stage, and then number of wins), then the order is decided by the lower rating (fixed or unfixed) at the end of the tournament. If the tie still remains, the order is determined by the lower rating (fixed or unfixed) in previous ranting lists until broken. If players are still tied after all relevant tie-breaking procedures have been used, the players will be considered equal.


In the final cash prizes of 1 000 EUR, 600 EUR, 300 EUR and 100 EUR will be awarded to the top 4 players. Tie-breaks will not be applied in respect of these cash prizes and instead those players scoring equal points will equally share any prize money due.

Also, in the final occasional medals and certificates will be awarded to the top 3 players (tie-break applies).

Special qualification provisions

The following special qualification provisions can be achieved in the 70th ICCF Jubilee World Cup final (required result above 50%):

  • the winner (tie-break applies) will gain the SIM title;
  • the winner (tie-break applies) will qualify for a World Championship final;
  • players from places 2-3 (tie-break applies) will qualify for a World Championship Candidates (upon payment of the entry fee);
  • players from places 4-13 (tie-break applies) will qualify for a World Championship semi-final (upon payment of the entry fee).


List of reserve

The remaining reserve players presented below will be employed until the end of February 2023 (more or less) in the event of unexpected withdrawals.

# Fed ID Player Score TB1 TB2 TB3 TB4 TB5 TB6
1 UKR 940466 Onoprichuk, Vladimir 8,0 67,5 71,0 73,5 852,0 4 2363
2 CAN 90868 Boulanger, Michel 7,5 62,5 65,0 65,5 917,5 3 2385
3 ITA 240646 Cipressi, Nicola 7,0 70,0 75,5 79,0 825,5 2 2323

Legend and priorities:

  • TB1=Buchholz cut 2
  • TB2=Buchholz cut 1
  • TB3=Buchholz
  • TB4=Buchholz 2nd stage
  • TB5=number of wins
  • TB6=the lower rating at the end of the tournament (RL2022/3)


Statistics summary for the final:

  • entries = 92
  • countries = 32
  • titled players = 85 (GM=6 SIM=8 IM=18 CCM=44 CCE=9)
  • highest rating = 2580
  • average rating of all entries = 2361
  • entries by countries (5 & more): GER=24, CFR=11, POL=6, USA=5, ENG=5.

Paring was made in according to the Silli system. Each player plays 14 games. There are 7 to 13 countries in each pairing (therefore the requirements of Appx.2, item 1, are fully met for both – the whole tournament and for each pairing); no more  players than 7xGER (out of 24), 5xCFR (11), 3xPOL (6), 3xUSA (5) and 3xENG (5).

Although the average rating of all players is 2361, the average rating for each pairing is quite close to 2380 (min 2365, max 2412), tournament category 5-7 with title norms in most cases SIM=9,0-9,5 IM=8,0-8,5.


Enjoy this event in the spirit of …

Amici sumus

Mariusz Wojnar

Tournament Organizer