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3-schoolfm2016-2017Initiated ICCF event: School friendly match ESP-GRE-POL

Initial idea to organize friendly match between schools was raised by Nikos Rokopanos and Jan Wiech in 2014.

Previous friendly chess events were:

  • 1st School Friendly Event (played from 2014-12-31 to 2015-04-24) – participants were two schools: Vocational High School of Samos, Mavrogeneio (Greece) and Elementary School 150 from Warsaw (Poland). It was one game played in consultation.
  • 2nd School Friendly Event (played from 2016-01-31 to 2016-05-31) – participants were 3 schools: Pipacsvirág Elementary School (Telki, HUN), IES Jándula (Andújar, ESP) and High School of Marathokampos (GRE). There were 6 boards, each player played 2 games.

This is the 3rd edition of School Friendly Matches played on ICCF server from 2016-10-10 to 2017-05-31 at 6 boards (teacher+5 students). This time participants are teams from 3 following schools:

  • IES Jándula, Andújar, Spain
  • High School of Marathokampos, Greece
  • Gimnazjum nr 1, Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland

Unfortunatelly, Elementary School 150 (Warsaw, Poland) and Pipacsvirág Elementary School (Telki, Hungary) couldn’t join us.

Below you can find short notes about participants.


Short note about Spanish team – IES Jándula, Andújar, Spain


Spanish team on the left

We are writing from a high school in Andújar (Spain), a city which is very close to Linares, where so many GM chess tournaments have been held, as we are also interested in implementing a talent program which includes chess with our own students. This course we can teach chess, in the high school, to students into the chess programme. As for the teachers who are behind the talent project in our high school, we are a multidisciplinary group which already includes English, Music, Economics and Computer Science teachers.

You can read more about chess in this Spanish school at web pages (chess club, school)

Spanish team is directed by José Luis Meco, Economic teacher at Jándula high school and president of Jándula Chess Club.


Short note about Greek team – High School of Marathokampos, Greece


Greek team

High School of Marathokampos Samos, is a small high school at the village of Marathokampos, located in the southwest of the island of Pythagoras.

This is the second year we organize a chess program in our school.

Last year more than 20 (out of a total of 55) students were involved in the chess program. This year about 30 students have already begun attending the chess classes! Their ages vary from 12-15.

Last year 4 students and 2 teachers took part in the 2nd international school friendly event organized by Mariusz Wojnar. They played against students from Hungary and Spain. A special poster was made for this event by famous Spanish chess cartoonist.

More than 20 of our students took part in the annual local school’s chess tournament and two girls won the silver and bronze medals!

20 of our students played a simultaneous chess game against an academic teacher who is a local (very strong) player.

This school year we want see more students to play (good) chess!

Greek team is directed by Nikos Rokopanos, mathematician.


Polish team

Polish team

Short note about Polish team – Gimnazjum nr 1, Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland

Gimnazjum No. 1 in Tomaszów Lubelski was faunded in 1999 after school system reform. Headmaster is Stanisław Sikora. The junior high school is running sport club LUKS „Tomasovia” Tomaszów Lubelski, including chess section. Member of chess section are mostly school students.

Polish team is led by Ryszard Probola, IT and chess teacher. He teaches chess also in the Primary School No. 3 from which the students then come to his junior high school. His grandson Stasio has similar passion to chess 🙂


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