Header images Header presents collection of trees in blossom pictured on 29.04.2012 during my visit in the Botanical Garden in Powsin Warsaw (Poland).
Welcome to the website dedicated to chess events to honour our friend Witold Bielecki.
There are four of them, so that everybody could have a chance to participate:
- Witold Bielecki Memorial, invitational tournament, start date: 01.03.2012
- Top players, cat.16, 13 players
- Bravo section, cat.12, 13 players
- ICCF Diamond Jubilee World Cup 18 in memory of Witold Bielecki, 3 stages, start date: 30.10.2011, 844 entries from 53 countries
- Witold Bielecki Memorial, team tournament ELO<2000, start date: 25.01.2012, 22 European national teams, 6 players per team
- Match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World, start date: 01.03.2012, 261 boards
Information about Witek can be found at separate page.
Witamy na stronie poświęconej turniejom korespondencyjnym, aby uhonorować naszego przyjaciela Witolda Bieleckiego.
Są cztery przedsięwzięcia, tak aby każdy miał szansę na udział:
- Memoriał Witolda Bieleckiego, turniej za zaproszeniami, start: 01.03.2012
- Top players, kat.16, 13 zawodników
- Bravo section, kat.12, 13 zawodników
- 18 Puchar Świata w 60 rocznicę ICCF poświęcony pamięci Witolda Bieleckiego, 3 etapy, start: 30.10.2011, 844 zgłoszenia z 53 krajów
- Memoriał Witolda Bieleckiego, turniej drużynowy ELO<2000, start: 25.01.2012, 22 europejskie drużyny narodowe po 6 zawodników w każdej
- Mecz Przyjaciele Witolda – Reszta Świata, start: 01.03.2012, 261 szachownic
Informacje o Witku można znaleźć na osobnej stronie.
You can look at fihished games in Witold Bielecki Memorial/ Top players at special page MT-Bielecki/Top games. All games you can find in cross table. Open games you can see live with 5-move delay. Some of ongoing games can be found at ICCF website in “Live games” area. All games you can watch live at page “MT-Bielecki/Top – live transmission” (updated on regular basis).
Zakończone partie w Memoriale Witolda Bieleckiego/ Top players można zobaczyć na stronie MT-Bielecki/Top games. Wszystkie partie można znaleźć w tabeli turniejowej. Trwające partie można zobaczyć na żywo z opóźnieniem 5 posunięć. Niektóre partie można znaleźć na stronie ICCF w panelu “Live games“. Wszystkie partie można obejrzeć na żywo na stronie “MT-Bielecki/Top – live transmission” (regularnie aktualizowanej).
Dear Chessfriends,
The semi-finals of this World Cup started on 2013-08-30 with 156 players in 12 server sections and now ended on 2015-04-01. We have 98% completed games (range from 90% to 100%) – 6 sections out of 12 finished play. See below more statistics.
We know 11 qualified players for the World Cup 18 semi-finals until now. Most of them confirmed their participation already. Information about all qualified players for the final is posted regularly at the tournament website.
Start of the World Cup 18 final is scheduled as soon as all qualifiers are known (Q2/Q3 2015).
Should there be any non starters or unexpected withdrawals, the final might be completed by players from a prioritized list of reserve (those sharing 1st place). Some of these players might be contacted (if applicable) by TO Mariusz Wojnar via e-mail who will be offered any vacancies which arise.
List of reserve will be employed until October/November 2015 (more or less).
After the end date of the semi-finals (2015-04-01) there were 33 unfinished games. Until now 14 games were adjudicated and 6 games allowed to play and 13 games (from sections 2 & 7) are still under adjudication.
Amici sumus
Mariusz Wojnar
Central Tournament Leader
Below some statistics and qualifications by sections can be found as of 2015-04-18.
Section |
Games |
FG# |
% |
End date |
Qualified for the World Cup 18 final |
DJ-CT18 |
936 |
917 |
98% |
11 players |
DJ-CT18/sf01 |
78 |
77 |
99% |
Ros Padilla, Javier |
DJ-CT18/sf02 |
78 |
70 |
90% |
DJ-CT18/sf03 |
78 |
78 |
100% |
2015-02-24 |
Dolya, Anatoly Leonidovich |
DJ-CT18/sf04 |
78 |
77 |
99% |
Visloguzov, Vadim Anatolievich |
DJ-CT18/sf05 |
78 |
78 |
100% |
2015-04-17 |
Zajontz, Rainer |
DJ-CT18/sf06 |
78 |
78 |
100% |
2015-03-30 |
Voiculescu, Costel |
DJ-CT18/sf07 |
78 |
73 |
94% |
DJ-CT18/sf08 |
78 |
78 |
100% |
2015-04-10 |
Tseng, Wilbur |
DJ-CT18/sf09 |
78 |
78 |
100% |
2015-04-16 |
Kubicki, Tadeusz |
Mourato, Mário |
DJ-CT18/sf10 |
78 |
78 |
100% |
2015-02-03 |
Podvoysky, Evgeny Borisovich |
DJ-CT18/sf11 |
78 |
76 |
97% |
Troger, Mag. Dominik |
DJ-CT18/sf12 |
78 |
76 |
97% |
Fedorov, Sergey Yurievich |
Dear Friends,
After 3 years and 1 month from start (2012-03-01) the strongest ICCF event since 12 years – Witold Bielecki Memorial/Top Players – has ended on 2015-04-06. Tournament was played in the spirit of our motto Amici Sumus and fair play.
It would be impossible to organize so strong event without kind acceptance of my invitation by all participants. My idea was to show top players in real and exciting fight to cc audience. I believe that it was accomplished successfully. Although I was worrying that all games might be finished with a draw without a struggle.
Witold Bielecki Memorial/ Top players |
TD Flores Gutiérrez, Carlos (IA) |
Category 16 GM=6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
Score |
Wins |
SB |
1 |
GM |
Busemann, Dr. Stephan |
2606 |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
1 |
1 |
7,5 |
3 |
42,00 |
1 |
GM |
Hoeven, David A. van der |
2629 |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
1 |
1 |
7,5 |
3 |
42,00 |
3 |
GM |
Ljubičić, Ing. Leonardo |
2639 |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
7 |
2 |
40,50 |
4 |
GM |
Nickel, Arno |
2643 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
1 |
7 |
2 |
39,75 |
5 |
GM |
Langeveld, Ron A. H. |
2681 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
1 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
6,5 |
6 |
GM |
Wunderlich, Dr. Hans-Dieter |
2655 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
0 |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
6 |
1 |
35,25 |
7 |
GM |
Lafarga Santorromán, David |
2643 |
½ |
½ |
0 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
6 |
1 |
35,00 |
8 |
GM |
Voss, Maximilian |
2657 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
6 |
0 |
36,00 |
8 |
GM |
Hall, Richard V. M. |
2640 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
6 |
0 |
36,00 |
10 |
Wilczek, Tadeusz |
2597 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
0 |
0 |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
5 |
0 |
30,50 |
11 |
Starke, Dr. René-Reiner |
2620 |
0 |
0 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
5 |
0 |
29,00 |
12 |
GM |
Szczepański, Zbigniew |
2561 |
0 |
0 |
½ |
0 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
4,5 |
13 |
GM |
Papenin, Nikolai |
2729 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
4 |
Final standing you can find above or in the cross table at ICCF server. Games can be downloaded from Get PGN.
Winners are both – GM Stephan Busemann (GER) and GM David A. van der Hoeven (NED) (with the same tie-breaking)!
Congratulations to Stephan & David once again!
GM Leonardo Ljubičić gained the 3rd place in the last decisive game against GM David Lafarga.
Please be informed that medals & certificates will be presented at the ICCF Congress in 2015 in Wales.
Please let me express my gratitude also to our friend Carlos Flores who directed this tournament.
Mariusz Wojnar, ICCF Delegate to Poland and TO
Dear Chessfriends,
The semi-finals of this World Cup started on 2013-08-30 with 156 players in 12 server sections and now it is coming to the end on 2015-04-01. We have 93% completed games (range from 74% to 100%) – 2 sections out of 12 finished play. See below more statistics.
We know 2 qualified players for the World Cup 18 semi-finals until now. Both of them confirmed their participation already. Information about all qualified players for the final is posted regularly at the tournament website.
Start of the World Cup 18 final is scheduled for 2015-08-30 at the latest.
Should there be any non starters or unexpected withdrawals, the final might be completed by players from a prioritized list of reserve (those sharing 1st place). Some of these players might be contacted (if applicable) by TO Mariusz Wojnar via e-mail who will be offered any vacancies which arise.
List of reserve will be employed until October/November 2015 (more or less).
Adjudication Guidelines
After the end date of the semi-finals (2015-04-01) all unfinished games are called for adjudication.
Games will be stopped by me manually on 2015-04-02. Some od these games might be restarted later, especially if they have no influence on promotions.
Both players involved shall submit to TD (Mariusz Wojnar) no later than 2015-04-15 statement claiming either a win or a draw. Failure to submit a claim may result in a loss.
Players should submit analysis to support their claim. Claims of a win will not be accepted for consideration without supporting analysis. Analysis does not necessarily mean possible variations; it also includes general plans where appropriate. Players involved will be promptly notified of the adjudicator’s decision. The adjudicator’s decision is final, without appeal.
Amici sumus
Mariusz Wojnar
Central Tournament Leader
Below some statistics and qualifications by sections can be found as of 2015-03-07.
Witold Bielecki Memorial
Current GM norm statistics for Witold Bielecki Memorial participants are following:
#GM Norms |
Title |
Name, First Name |
Nat |
GM-since |
13 |
GM |
Wunderlich, Dr. Hans-Dieter |
2006 |
11 |
GM |
Nickel, Arno |
2001 |
11 |
GM |
Voss, Maximilian |
2003 |
9 |
GM |
Lafarga Santorromán, David |
2008 |
9 |
GM |
Papenin, Nikolai |
2011 |
8 |
GM |
Busemann, Dr. Stephan |
1996 |
8 |
GM |
Hall, Richard V. M. |
2002 |
8 |
GM |
Ljubičić, Ing. Leonardo |
2011 |
7 |
GM |
Hoeven, David A. van der |
2004 |
7 |
GM |
Langeveld, Ron A. H. |
2006 |
3 |
GM |
Szczepański, Zbigniew |
2011 |
2 |
GM |
Starke, Dr. René-Reiner |
2012 |
1 |
Wilczek, Tadeusz |
– |
97 |
In total |
Short biographical notes of participants |
click here (kliknij tutaj) |
updated (zaktualizowano) 2015-02-15 |
Krótkie notki biograficzne uczestników |
Some statistics for MT-Bielecki participants |
click here (kliknij tutaj) |
updated (zaktualizowano) 2015-02-15 |
Wybrane statystyki uczestników Memoriału Bieleckiego |
Rating development of MT-Bielecki/Top players has been updated for the Rating List 2015/1:

Witold Bielecki Memorial/Top Players, event started on 01.03.2012, is the strongest tournament since 2002. It can be observed at the “Top ICCF tournaments list” published at the ICCF Diamond Jubilee Web Book. It is the 3rd strongest tournament in ICCF history with average rating 2638,46, just few rating points ahead of Hermann-Heemsoth Memorial (Rav=2632,82). There are only three events at category 16.
You can look at the participant list from different perspectives (see below short specification). So you can find here not only top rated players, but world champions (individual and team) or GM collectors, as well! That is very fascinating for cc fans to follow achievements of their beloved players during course of the event 🙂
- World Championship finals (Individual)
- World Champion (golden medallist)
- 1st vice Champion of the World (silver medallist)
- 2nd vice Champion of the World (bronze medallist)
- World Championship finals (Team)
- Team World Champion (golden medallist):
- silver medallist
- bronze medallist
- World Championship medal collectors
- 4 medals- (3 gold, 1 bronze) GM Stephan Busemann (GER),
- 2 medals- (1 gold, 1 silver) GM Hans-Dieter Wunderlich (GER), (1 gold, 1 silver) GM Maximilian Voss (GER), (2 bronze) GM David van der Hoeven (NED),
- 1 medal- (1 gold) GM Ron Langeveld (NED), (1 gold) GM Arno Nickel (GER), (1 silver) GM Richard Hall (ENG), (1 silver) GM David Lafarga (ESP),
- Top rated players with GM Nikolai Papenin (UKR) and GM Ron Langeveld (NED) at the top of the ICCF rating list (at the start of the event)
- Participants of the 4th top rated event Hermann-Heemsoth Memorial (Rav=2632,82):
- GM Ron Langeveld (NED), GM Richard Hall (ENG), GM Maximilian Voss (GER), GM Stephan Busemann (GER),
- Winners of top ICCF tournaments:
- All players are titled, 12 out of 13 are GMs
- GM norm collectors – at the top is GM Hans-Dieter Wunderlich (GER) with 13 GM-norms (the highest number among ICCF players) assisted by GM Arno Nickel (GER) and GM Maximilian Voss (GER) – with 11 GM-norms! All 13 participants gained until now 97 GM norms! [150214]
In order to attract public attention to correspondence chess, tournament organizer asked players for their opinion about live display. All players positively responded to request. TD IA Carlos Flores (ESP) joined that idea as well. It is advisable to have consensus at so high level event.
So there is good news for correspondence chess enthusiasts – all games are displayed live starting from 15.10.2012! Live transmission is delayed by 5 moves.
Polish CC Federation organized Witold Bielecki Memorial/Bravo section at category 12 (average rating 2527) with 13 players and IA Hans-Jürgen Isigkeit from Germany as TD.
In this event 4 Polish players participated:
-3 Champions of Poland:
- Rafael Pierzak – 38th (1995-1997)
- Antoni Schön – twice 49th (2006-2008) & 50th (2007-2009)
- Jerzy Staniszewski – 54th (2011-2012)
-1 bronze medalist of Polish Championship:
- Marek Sądowski – 56th (2013-2014)
The tournament started on 2012-03-01 with no end date. Last game finished on 2014-11-08, so the event concluded after 2 years and 8 months. The final standing is presented below. Games can downloaded from Get PGN.
Witold Bielecki Memorial/ Bravo section |
TD Isigkeit, Hans-Jürgen (IA) |
Category 12 GM=7½ |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
Score |
Wins |
SB |
1 |
Bescós Anzano, Manuel Jesús |
2540 |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
1 |
1 |
8 |
4 |
44,75 |
1 |
Pierzak, Rafael |
2496 |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
1 |
1 |
8 |
4 |
44,75 |
3 |
GM |
Kögler, Klaus |
2524 |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
½ |
7 |
2 |
40,50 |
4 |
GM |
Straka, Zdeněk |
2544 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
7 |
2 |
40,25 |
5 |
GM |
Noble, Mark F. |
2560 |
0 |
0 |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
1 |
½ |
1 |
½ |
½ |
6 |
2 |
33,25 |
6 |
Galanov, Sergey Igorevich |
2519 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
6 |
0 |
36,00 |
6 |
GM |
Bubir, Alex Nikolaevich |
2555 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
6 |
0 |
36,00 |
8 |
GM |
Haugen, Arild |
2545 |
½ |
½ |
0 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
0 |
1 |
½ |
5,5 |
1 |
32,50 |
9 |
Schön, Antoni |
2479 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
0 |
0 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
½ |
1 |
½ |
½ |
5,5 |
1 |
32,25 |
10 |
Sferle, Miron |
2528 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
0 |
½ |
½ |
5,5 |
0 |
33,75 |
11 |
Nekhaev, Andrey Ivanovich |
2564 |
0 |
0 |
½ |
½ |
0 |
½ |
½ |
1 |
0 |
1 |
♔ |
½ |
½ |
5 |
12 |
Sądowski, Marek |
2501 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
0 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
♔ |
1 |
4,5 |
13 |
Staniszewski, Jerzy |
2500 |
0 |
0 |
½ |
0 |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
½ |
0 |
♔ |
4 |
 GM Rafael Pierzak (POL) – winner
Winners are both – GM Rafael Pierzak (POL) and GM Manuel Bescós (ESP) (having the same
 GM Manuel Bescós (ESP) – winner
tie-breaking)! Moreover, Manuel & Rafael fulfilled GM norms and gained GM titles during course of the event.
Medals & certificates for the first 3 players (M.J.Bescós Anzano, R.Pierzak & K.Kögler) will be presented to national delegates at the ICCF Congress in 2015 in Wales. Or they will be sent to players by post depending on their preferences.
Statistics of GM norms for Witold Bielecki Memorial/B participants after recent achivements :
#GM Norms |
Title |
Name, First Name |
Nat |
GM-since |
6 |
GM |
Haugen, Arild |
2006 |
5 |
GM |
Noble, Mark F. |
2010 |
4 |
GM |
Straka, Zdeněk |
2011 |
3 |
GM |
Kögler, Klaus |
2007 |
3 |
GM |
Bescós Anzano, Manuel Jesús |
2012 |
2 |
GM |
Bubir, Alex Nikolaevich |
2009 |
2 |
GM |
Pierzak, Rafael |
2013 |
1 |
Galanov, Sergey Igorevich |
– |
– |
Nekhaev, Andrey Ivanovich |
– |
– |
Sądowski, Marek |
– |
– |
Schön, Antoni |
– |
– |
Sferle, Miron |
– |
– |
Staniszewski, Jerzy |
– |
The biggest match in the world Match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World on 261 boards (server part at 252 boards and postal part at 9 boards) started on 2012-03-01 finished on 2014-12-28 with result 256½:263½ (245½:258½, 11:5).
But more important than final result was friendly meeting to honour our friend Witold Bielecki 🙂
Let me thank to all of you for your participantion in this match!
There were 522 qualified entries from 511 players from 54 countries, including 93 entries from titled players (15xGM, 43xSIM, 33xIM, 1xLGM, 1xILM), with the highest rating 2579.
World Champion Dr. Fritz Baumbach has favoured us as well, in addition twice: by server and by post! Also ICCF President, Eric Ruch, participated in this event.
Dear Friends,
After 2 years and 9 months from start of Witold Bielecki Memorial/Top Players – the strongest ICCF event since 12 years – only one game remains open.
We know that winners are both GM Stephan Busemann and GM David A. van der Hoeven.
Congratulations to Stephan & David!
Last game is decisive for the 3rd place – chances still have GM Arno Nickel, GM David Lafarga Santorromán & GM Leonardo Ljubičić.
Please be informed that medals & certificates will be presented at the ICCF Congress in 2015 in Wales or in 2016 in Germany. Or they will be sent to you by post depending on your preferences.
I would like to kindly remind you to annotate one of your games played in this tournament, which is required by tournament regulations sent to you at the start of the event. They will be published at least at the tournament website. I am looking for your games as soon as you can.
Our friend Carlos Flores is unable to perform TD duties since few months because of helf problems. In all tournaments he was replaced by another TD, but I found not necessary to change him in this event.
If problem or claim may arrise please write to me directly – I will consider it instead of Carlos.
I wish all of you and your families Merry Christmass and please accept my warmest greetings on the occation of the New Year 2015!
Best regards, Mariusz
Message from ICCF President Eric Ruch to all participants.
Dear friends:
I would like to congratule the winners for their great achivement in this high level tournament, and I am very exited to read their annoted games.
I would also like to thank Mariusz for the organisation of this tournament to honor the memory of Witold.
Amici sumus, Eric
One year after official start of the World Cup 18 semi-finals we have 74% completed games (range from 49% to 95%). See below more statistics.
Evgeny Podvoysky (RUS) from section 10 is the first player qualified to final stage (on 2014-07-04).
The final is expected to start as soon as all qualifiers are known.
Below some statistics and qualifications by sections can be found as of 2014-08-30.
Amici sumus
Mariusz Wojnar
Central Tournament Leader
We received 844 entries (685 players) from 53 countries, which were distributed to 65 groups with average rating from 2105 to 2124, close to average rating of all entries 2115. Those countries with 50 or more entries were: Germany 117, Russia 91, USA 58, Spain 54, Poland 53, Italy 52.
ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 preliminaries started on 2011-10-30. There was a fixed closing date 2013-06-01, therefore several unfinished games were adjudicated or allowed to be continued. Now the last game finished (on 2014-03-30), so preliminaries took 2 years and 5 months.
The first completed game was the game Kilichenko, Aleksandr-Jerkovic, Leonardo in section 63 ended on 2011-10-03, 18:39 with result 1-0 and the last game was the game Kjeldsen, Karsten-Witzschel, Peter in section 33 ended on 2014-03-30,12:41 with result 0-1.
The semifinal stage was opened to the 2 top players of each preliminary section. In addition, those players who qualified for previous editions of World Cup Finals were also entitled to play – unless, they exploited their right already. Special invitation was addressed to participants of the ICCF Golden Jubilee Final tournaments in order to bridge both 50th and 60th Anniversaries of ICCF. All participants of the “ICCF 50 Jubilee Email Final” and the first 13 players (out of 104) of the “ICCF 50 Jubilee Postal Final“ were invited. Taking into account number of entries organizer decided to launch 12 semi-final groups – 13 players each, in total 156 entries. Few qualified players resigned from further play or were silent (despite 3 or more warnings). So finally 152 entries were registered and verified. Before start of the event 4 vacancies were filled up by players from list of reserve.
Below some statistics by sections.
Section |
End date |
World Cup 18 preliminaries (winner & runner-up) |
DJ-CT18/pr01 |
2013-10-23 |
Bonfissuto, Giulio (ITA) |
Ros Padilla, Javier (ESP) |
DJ-CT18/pr02 |
2013-06-07 |
Tseng, Wilbur (USA) |
Voiculescu, Costel (ROU) |
DJ-CT18/pr03 |
2013-07-21 |
Tseng, Wilbur (USA) |
Mercader Martínez, Juan Gustavo (MEX) |
DJ-CT18/pr04 |
2013-03-19 |
Lakudas, Andrey (UKR) |
Chamaev, Aleksandr Viktorovich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr05 |
2013-05-30 |
Chamaev, Aleksandr Viktorovich (RUS) |
Romm, Mikhail Yakovlevich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr06 |
2012-10-25 |
Silin, Viktor Aleksandrovich (RUS) |
Schyndel, Andreas van (GER) |
DJ-CT18/pr07 |
2013-06-17 |
Verhoef, Helge (GER) |
Rogos st., Ján (SVK) |
DJ-CT18/pr08 |
2013-04-12 |
Rost, Detlef (GER) |
Barth, Hans-Jürgen (GER) |
DJ-CT18/pr09 |
2013-03-16 |
Vassiliev, Iouri (UKR) |
Schüppel, Ralf (GER) |
DJ-CT18/pr10 |
2013-05-05 |
Delizia, Costantino (ITA) |
Matei, Cornel (ROU) |
DJ-CT18/pr11 |
2013-06-18 |
Sanz Algarrada, José (ESP) |
Staniszewski, Jerzy (POL) |
DJ-CT18/pr12 |
2013-06-08 |
Dunlop, Gordon (AUS) |
Glukhov, Aleksandr Valerievich (RUS) & Raijmaekers, René C. H. (NED) |
DJ-CT18/pr13 |
2013-06-04 |
Kappes, Dieter (GER) & Ohtake, Sakae (JPN) |
DJ-CT18/pr14 |
2014-01-05 |
Sawicki, Wiesław (POL) |
Ilken, Zafer (TUR) |
DJ-CT18/pr15 |
2013-03-31 |
Woodard, Daniel S. (USA) |
Ylönen, Olli (FIN) |
DJ-CT18/pr16 |
2013-02-26 |
Peschke, Uwe (GER) |
Crabb, Neil D. (ENG) |
DJ-CT18/pr17 |
2013-03-19 |
Visloguzov, Vadim Anatolievich (BLR) |
Uusitalo, Jarmo (FIN) |
DJ-CT18/pr18 |
2013-02-10 |
Ulbig, Stefan (GER) |
Seelig, Jürgen (GER) |
DJ-CT18/pr19 |
2013-03-17 |
Lednev, Valery Alekseevich (RUS) |
Carvaga, Roman (SVK) |
DJ-CT18/pr20 |
2013-06-18 |
Johansson, Mats (SWE) |
Stanach, Fabian (POL) |
DJ-CT18/pr21 |
2013-05-29 |
Broudin, Melissa (FRA) |
Jaworski, Mirosław (POL) |
DJ-CT18/pr22 |
2013-06-18 |
Cutillas Ripoll, Pascual (ESP) |
Sychov, Aleksandr Vitalievich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr23 |
2013-03-12 |
Ilyasov, Anatoly Fedorovich (RUS) |
Kilichenko, Aleksandr Vladimirovich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr24 |
2013-06-18 |
Nowakowski, Mirosław (POL) |
Krüger, Hilmar (GER) |
DJ-CT18/pr25 |
2013-05-08 |
Karakaş, Serdar (TUR) |
Vegjeleki, Adolf (AUT) |
DJ-CT18/pr26 |
2013-06-26 |
Dolya, Anatoly Leonidovich (RUS) |
Shcherbatyuk, Sergey Nikolaevich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr27 |
2013-03-22 |
Krupnov, Aleksey Aleksandrovich (RUS) |
Zięba, Zdzisław (POL) |
DJ-CT18/pr28 |
2013-06-18 |
Lins, Thomas (GER) |
Tsygankov, Evgeny Georgievich (RUS) & Nordal, Sven (NOR) |
DJ-CT18/pr29 |
2013-10-06 |
Sanz Algarrada, José (ESP) |
Eschert, Uwe (GER) |
DJ-CT18/pr30 |
2013-09-07 |
Mourato, Mário (POR) |
Varlamov, Fedor Sergeevich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr31 |
2012-10-08 |
Szymański, Robert (POL) |
Holec, Michael (AUT) |
DJ-CT18/pr32 |
2013-04-30 |
Szymański, Robert (POL) |
Nørrelykke, Svend G. J. (DEN) |
DJ-CT18/pr33 |
2014-03-30 |
Borroni, Enrico (ITA) |
Gunkel, Wolfgang (GER) |
DJ-CT18/pr34 |
2013-05-03 |
Jacobs, Rudolf (GER) |
Rihtarič, Dr. Ivan (SLO) |
DJ-CT18/pr35 |
2013-05-14 |
Petersons, Indulis (LAT) |
Klochán, Peter (SVK) |
DJ-CT18/pr36 |
2013-06-19 |
Kurgansky, Vitaly Ivanovich (RUS) |
Bagaoutdinov, Arthur (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr37 |
2013-12-30 |
Moskvichev, Valery Ivanovich (RUS) |
Nizky, Roman Yakovlevich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr38 |
2013-09-21 |
Smythe, Antonio (CAN) |
Steinkellner, Peter (AUT) |
DJ-CT18/pr39 |
2013-05-14 |
Dorer, Manfred (GER) |
Pina Fernández, José Antonio (ESP) |
DJ-CT18/pr40 |
2013-03-10 |
Böken, Michael (GER) |
Morley, Paul (CAN) |
DJ-CT18/pr41 |
2013-06-09 |
Ilyin, Pavel Egorovich (RUS) |
Aykent, Serdar (USA) & Würschner, Miroslav (SVK) |
DJ-CT18/pr42 |
2013-06-19 |
Rekhtman, Pavlo (UKR) |
Pheby, Ian M. (ENG) |
DJ-CT18/pr43 |
2013-05-28 |
Limanskis, Nikolajs (LAT) |
Czekała, Franciszek (POL) |
DJ-CT18/pr44 |
2013-05-07 |
Steinkellner, Peter (AUT) |
Daus, Peter (GER) |
DJ-CT18/pr45 |
2013-05-27 |
Kažoks, Aivars (LAT) |
Thompson, Brian (ENG) |
DJ-CT18/pr46 |
2013-01-09 |
Terreaux, Gilles (SUI) |
Salvatore, Carmine (ITA) |
DJ-CT18/pr47 |
2013-06-13 |
Horvat, Milan (SLO) |
Schmidt, Loren R. (JPN) |
DJ-CT18/pr48 |
2013-05-21 |
Junge, Wolfgang (GER) |
Secchi, Dino (ITA) |
DJ-CT18/pr49 |
2013-02-19 |
Laghetti, Gaetano (ITA) |
Rawlings, Alan J. C. (ENG) |
DJ-CT18/pr50 |
2013-01-07 |
Dessaules, Peter (USA) |
Budkin, Gennady Aleksandrovich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr51 |
2013-03-27 |
Bleker, Frits (GRE) |
Puzone, Mario (ITA) |
DJ-CT18/pr52 |
2013-01-13 |
Amico, Rosario (ITA) |
Podvoysky, Evgeny Borisovich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr53 |
2013-03-13 |
Girard, Eric (FRA) |
Hering, Hartmut (GER) |
DJ-CT18/pr54 |
2013-12-18 |
Glørstad, Trond (NOR) |
Pinho, Joaquim Brandão de (POR) |
DJ-CT18/pr55 |
2013-06-17 |
Fedorov, Sergey Yurievich (RUS) |
Isigkeit, Hans-Jürgen (GER) |
DJ-CT18/pr56 |
2013-06-19 |
Philippeit, Boris (GER) |
Kozlov, Vadim Yakovlevich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr57 |
2013-05-23 |
Mamrukov, Dmitri (RUS) |
Jensen, Claus (DEN) |
DJ-CT18/pr58 |
2012-09-19 |
Even, Dr. Roland (GER) |
Tyulenko, Yuri Viktorovich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr59 |
2013-09-10 |
Kopelevich, Aleksandr Solomonovich (RUS) |
Rivas Maceda, Juan (PER) |
DJ-CT18/pr60 |
2013-10-09 |
Tienhoven, Richard M. van (NED) |
Wukits, René (AUT) |
DJ-CT18/pr61 |
2013-04-19 |
Zylla, Johannes (GER) |
Aksenov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr62 |
2013-05-06 |
Brewer, Shaun (ENG) |
Rudenko, Aleksandr Vladimirovich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr63 |
2012-11-12 |
Kilichenko, Aleksandr Vladimirovich (RUS) |
Manaenkov, Vladimir Nikolaevich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr64 |
2013-02-15 |
Voveris, Gediminas (LTU) |
Shishkov, Pavel Aleksandrovich (RUS) |
DJ-CT18/pr65 |
2013-06-21 |
Schmidt, Theo (GER) |
Davidov, Alexandar (BUL) |
Amici Sumus
Mariusz Wojnar, Central Tournament Leader
Half a year after official start of the World Cup 18 we have 33% completed games (range from 12% to 65%). See below more statistics.
Below some statistics and qualifications by sections can be found as of 2014-03-08.