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Header presents collection of trees in blossom pictured on 29.04.2012 during my visit in the Botanical Garden in Powsin Warsaw (Poland).


MT-Bielecki Top Players

ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 – final countdown!

Please see below for the latest update. Don’t wait! Apply for entry immediately! Less than 1 week left!


Details of the ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 at: http://www.iccf-webchess.com/Message.aspx?message=358

With just few days remaining before 1st September 2011 closing date, we have 624 qualified entries from 507 players from 48 countries, including 66 […]

ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 – update as of 18.08.2011

Please see below for the latest registration and status update. Don’t wait! Apply for entry immediately! Only 2 weeks left!


Details of the ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 at: http://www.iccf-webchess.com/Message.aspx?message=358

With just two weeks remaining before 1st September 2011 closing date, we have 538 qualified entries from 437 players from 46 countries, […]

ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 – status of the entries as of 11.08.2011

Please see below for the latest registration and status update. Don’t wait! Apply for entry immediately! Only 3 weeks left!


Details of the ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 at: http://www.iccf-webchess.com/Message.aspx?message=358

With just three weeks remaining before 1st September 2011 closing date, we have 476 qualified entries from 389 players from 46 countries, […]

Witold Bielecki Memorial – initial information

The idea to organize this event came to my mind just after taking over by me ICCF delegate for Poland duties from my predecessor and friend Józef Lubas. Initial information was presented to the ICCF Congress 2010 in Antalya, Turkey and included in the minutes.

From ICCF Congress 2010 minutes (page 45):

Witold Bielecki Memorial […]

ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 – status of the entries as of 26.07.2011

Please see below for the latest registration and status update. Apply for entry – only one month left!


Details of the ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 at: http://www.iccf-webchess.com/Message.aspx?message=358

In three months of registration (till 2011-07-26 23:59), we have 326 qualified entries from 272 players from 43 countries, including 33 entries from titled […]

Announcement match Witold’s Friends v. Rest of the World, updated 04.09.2011


Announcement for Match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World

Dear Friends,

The International Correspondence Chess Federation is delighted to announce the Correspondence Chess Commission of the Polish Chess Federation as the main organizer of the friendly match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World.

Performing ICCF activities many of you knew Witold […]

ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserwer World Cup 18 – status of the entries

Please see below for the latest registration and status update


The announcement of the ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserwer World Cup 18 in memory of Witold Bielecki with all the details you can find here.

Poland was involved as a tournament organizer in previous three World Cups (3rd, 6th and 7th) which covered 6,222 entries. […]

World Cup 18 announcement


ICCF Diamond Jubilee World Cup 18 in memory of Witold Bielecki (preliminary stage)


Poland was involved as a tournament organizer in previous three World Cups (3rd, 6th and 7th) which covered 6.222 (sic!) entries. The main effort (as TO and TD) was laid down by our friend Witold Bielecki (1947-2008), who […]