Header images

Header presents collection of trees in blossom pictured on 29.04.2012 during my visit in the Botanical Garden in Powsin Warsaw (Poland).


MT-Bielecki Top Players

Report on World Cup 18 – as of 26.02.2012


Four months after official start of the World Cup 18 we have 34% completed games. See below more statistics.


Total number of games: 5058 Completed games: 1729 Completed games percentage: 34% Completed games with a draw: 765 Draw percentage: 44%



Except of few cases games run smoothly.

For several players time […]

Match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World – first results

The biggest match in the world Match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World was initiated on 08.02.2012 at 261 boards (server part at 252 boards and postal part at 9 boards).

Official start date is 01.03.2012, however most of players started their games, few of them even has been finished.

The first completed game […]

Award to ICCF Honorary Member Dr. Fritz Baumbach (Germany)

The Federal Cross of Merit (Bundesverdienstkreuz) of the Federal Republic of Germany has been bestowed upon Dr. Fritz Baumbach to honour his lifetime achievements. As a player as well as an official, Dr. Baumbach proved to be an outstanding personality. This distinction was conferred upon the proposition of the German Correspondence Chess Federation (BdF).

It […]

MT-Bielecki Top Players update as of 19.02.2012


Three players gained lately GM norms:

Zbigniew Szczepański (POL) on 09.01.2012 in Andrej Šuštaršic Memorial, this is his 3rd GM norm; René-Reiner Starke (GER) on 11.02.2012 in Romanian Chess Federation 85 Years, this is his 1st GM norm; Ron Langeveld (NED) on 12.02.2012 in World Championship 26 Final, where he is leading now (9,5+2) […]

MT-Bielecki/ section B initiated

Polish CC Federation organized Witold Bielecki Memorial, Top players section at category 16 (average rating 2639,15) with 13 top players. Bravo section at category 12 with 13 players (see list below) initiated today supplements it. This is server event with rate of play 10 moves in 50 days (with duplication after 20 days is used). […]

Match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World initiated!

Match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World was initiated on 08.02.2012 at 261 boards: server part at 252 boards and postal part at 9 boards. Official start date is 01.03.2012. Please read an introductory letter below.




Friendly Match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World Start date: 01.03.2012

Dear Chessfriends,


Report#8 on Friendly match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World (entries verified)

Registration was closed on 01.02.2012.

Status of the entries as of (Stan zgłoszeń na dzień) 05.02.2012

Report #8, Entry list verified (Lista zgłoszeń zweryfikowana), 05.02.2012 Summary (Podsumowanie): entries (zgłoszeń) = 523 countries (krajów) = 54 players (zawodników) = 511 from World Champions (od Mistrzów Świata) = 2 from titled players (od utytułowanych zawodników) = 93 […]

Report#7 on Friendly match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World, registration closed!

The Polish Chess Federation, with support of ICCF, is the organizer of the friendly match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World.

This match is organized in a standard format with one opponent for each player and two games to play (one game with white and one game with black) and will be played on […]

Report#6 on Friendly match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World, only 5 days left to enter!

The Polish Chess Federation, with support of ICCF, is the organizer of the friendly match Witold’s Friends – Rest of the World.

This match is organized in a standard format with one opponent for each player and two games to play (one game with white and one game with black) and will be played on […]

MT-Bielecki Top Players update as of 23.01.2012

In addition to last information from 02.01.2012 one player was substituted, namely GM (OTB) Raj Tischbierek (GER) was substituted by GM Leonardo Ljubičić from Croatia. Witold Bielecki Memorial Top players section still remains category 16 (average rating 2638,46).

Short biographical notes and some statistics for MT-Bielecki participants were updated accordingly.


List of participants (Lista […]