Initiated ICCF event: 5th School friendly event among 4 schools from England, Greece, Spain and Poland
Initial idea to organize friendly match between schools was raised by Nikos Rokopanos (GRE) and Jan Wiech (POL) in 2014.
Previous friendly chess events were:
1st School Friendly Event (played from 2014-12-31 to 2015-04-24) – participants were two schools: […]
Finished ICCF event: 4. School friendly event The 4th edition of School Friendly Matches was played on ICCF server from 2016-11-15 to 2018-05-31 at 6 boards (teacher+5 students). Participated 4 schools from Greece, Spain and Poland. See more in previous post.
Congratulations to the winner who is Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 (Tomaszów Lubelski, POL), […]
Initiated ICCF event: 4th School friendly event among 4 schools from Greece, Spain and Poland
Initial idea to organize friendly match between schools was raised by Nikos Rokopanos (GRE) and Jan Wiech (POL) in 2014.
Previous friendly chess events were:
1st School Friendly Event (played from 2014-12-31 to 2015-04-24) – participants were two schools: Vocational […]
Mecze pomiędzy szkołami zostały zainicjowane w 2014 roku przez nauczycieli szkolnych prowadzących zajęcia szachowe Nikosa Rokopanosa z Grecji oraz Jana Wiecha z Polski. Podsumowanie znajduje się poniżej.
Teraz planuje się uruchomić 4 edycję. Warunki zgłoszeń zostały ujęte w regulaminie turniejowym. Termin zgłoszeń drużyn szkolnych (6 zawodników w drużynie – 1xnauczyciel, 5xuczniów) do 2017-09-20.
Aktualizacja 2017-09-04
Finished ICCF event: 3. School friendly match 3rd School Friendly Match 2016/2017 started in October 2016 at ICCF server and now it finished. Participated 3 schools from Greece, Hungary and Poland at 6 boards. See more in previous post.
Congratulations to the winner who is Gimnazjum nr 1 (Tomaszów Lubelski, POL), ahead of IES […]
Initiated ICCF event: School friendly match ESP-GRE-POL
Initial idea to organize friendly match between schools was raised by Nikos Rokopanos and Jan Wiech in 2014.
Previous friendly chess events were:
1st School Friendly Event (played from 2014-12-31 to 2015-04-24) – participants were two schools: Vocational High School of Samos, Mavrogeneio (Greece) and Elementary School 150 […]
Finished ICCF event: School friendly match ESP-HUN-GRE School Friendly Match ESP-GRE-HUN 2016 started in January 2016 at ICCF server and now it finished. Participated 3 schools from Greece, Hungary and Spain at 6 boards. Initially also Elementary School 150 from Warsaw, Poland was supposed to participate, but players were not ready.
Winner is Pipacsvirág Elementary […]
Wystartowała druga edycja meczu Polska-Grecja (U-15) 2015, tym razem pomiędzy uczniami ze Szkoły Podstawowej nr 150 w Warszawie (Polska) oraz High School of Marathokampos Samos (Grecja).
Pierwszy mecz Polska-Grecja (U-15) 2014 wystartował w ubiegłym roku pomiędzy uczniami ze Szkoły Podstawowej nr 150 w Warszawie (Polska) oraz Vocational High School of Samos (Grecja). Partia zakończyła się […]
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